The international scientific and practical journal "Bulletin of Kyrgyzstan" has been published since 2016.

The journal is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for publication of the main results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of science, as well as graduate students, undergraduates.

Subjects of publications include a wide range of issues of social and humanitarian, natural, social, technical and technological sciences: Social Sciences in general. Story. Historical sciences in general. Sociology. Philosophy. Phenomenology. National philosophy. Philology. Economy. Economics. State and law. Jurisprudence. Politics. Political science. Naukovedenie. Popular education. Pedagogy. Psychology. Linguistics. Literature. Literary criticism. Oral folk art. Art. Art Criticism. Mass communication. Journalism. Media. Computer science. Complex problems of social sciences. Maths. Physics. Cybernetics. Geophysics. Mechanics. Chemistry. Astronomy. Biology. Geology. Geography. General and complex problems of natural and exact sciences. Connection Mining. Polygraphy. Reprography. Photo kinotekhnika. Biotechnology. Light industry. Food industry. Forest and wood industry. Chemical industry. Building. Architecture. Agriculture and forestry. Fisheries. Aquaculture. Water industry. Domestic trade. Tourist excursion service. International trade. Transport. Department of Housing and Utilities. Housekeeping. Household service. Medicine and health care. Physical Culture and sport. Environmental protection. Human ecology. Electrical engineering. Geodesy. Cartography. Metrology. Energy. Engineering. Automation. Computer Engineering. Metallurgy. Instrument making. Physical education. Comprehensive study of individual countries and regions. Electronics. Radio engineering.

The journal publishes articles in three languages ​​- Kyrgyz, Russian and English.

Periodicity: 4 issues per year (additional special issues are possible).

The journal is registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic. Media Registration Certificate No. 10023 of October 21, 2016, RSMI Series No. 000612.

ISSN 1694-7711 (Print)

The purpose and objectives of the scientific journal "Bulletin of Kyrgyzstan" is to show the original results of both theoretical and applied research of the world scientific community with the scientific results of domestic studies, the creation of an international scientific space by attracting scientists from foreign countries in the natural, humanitarian and socio-economic and social sciences.

The universal nature of published articles allows for the sharing of knowledge about research applied in different countries and their regions. Information about published articles will be regularly transmitted to the system of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

Currently, the journal "Bulletin of Kyrgyzstan" is indexed in the following electronic library systems and databases of scientific periodicals: HAC KR, RSCI, DOI (CrossRef).

Presence in databases, Crossref. com., gives scientists the opportunity to go to the international level of publications and make their research accessible to the world scientific community.

The magazine "Bulletin of Kyrgyzstan" adheres to the policy of open access and provides open access to its content, based on the principle of free and open access, which contributes to an increase in global knowledge sharing and exchange of research results. The use of magazine materials for commercial purposes is not allowed.

The magazine has a policy of maximizing the availability of published materials.

All materials presented in the journal are protected by copyright.

The authors are not charged for editing.

A printed copy of the journal is paid.

Royalties are not paid.

All articles published in the journal are tested for the uniqueness of the material and the amount of borrowing in automated inspection systems (Anti-plagiarism).

The journal publishes only original articles that have not previously been published in other periodicals.