Publication ethics of the journal "Bulletin of Kyrgyzstan" with all responsibility approach the problem of maintaining scientific reputation and in their work adhere to the principles of publication ethics adopted by the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (Russia), (Declaration of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications"), and also follow the principles and norms of publication ethics, as reflected in the recommendations of the Committee on the ethics of scientific publications (Committee on Publication Ethics). Violations of copyright and moral norms are not only unacceptable from an ethical point of view, but also serve as an obstacle to the development of scientific knowledge, undermining the authority Sciences.
– The editors make impartial decisions based solely on the professional level and quality of the materials provided, regardless of the race, gender, nationality, citizenship, religious, ideological or political position of the authors.
– By organizing the blind review process, the Editorial Board undertakes to ensure that there is no conflict of interest between the parties. Reviewers cannot be the author or co-author of the work being reviewed, as well as supervisors of authors who are applicants for a scientific degree.
– The editors are categorically against violations of the ethics of publishing scientific research, the most common of which are: plagiarism, sending previously published materials to the journal, misappropriation of the results of other people's scientific research, and falsification of data. In each of these cases, the preparation of the manuscript for publication is suspended.
– The editors undertake not to use the data obtained from the submitted manuscripts and not to transfer them to third parties (with the exception of reviewers) before publication.
- All fundamental content corrections made to the text are agreed with the author. In case of disagreement with the editing, both parties have the right to refuse to publish the material.
Ethical standards for authors:
– All co-authors must be notified of the submission of the manuscript to the journal. Therefore, each author must sign the manuscript and give their consent to the publication of their material.
– The order of indicating the authors is determined by the team of authors before sending the manuscript to the editor.
– The manuscript presents the results of an original scientific study. Borrowed fragments or statements are drawn up according to the rules of citation, indicating the author and source.
– Self-citation or excessive citation of the supervisor, your boss or colleagues is unethical.
– The manuscript should be unpublished material and submitted to the editor for the first time.
– The authors of the article are those researchers who were directly involved in writing the article, in developing its concept, collecting material, analyzing and interpreting it. The names of persons who have made a certain contribution to the preparation of the manuscript, but not sufficient to recognize authorship, are given in the Acknowledgments section, indicating the amount of their work.
Ethical principles of peer review:
– A reviewer cannot be a member of a long-term scientific team, which includes the authors of the reviewed work, as well as a repeated co-author of any of them on other works.
– The scientific adviser (scientific consultant) of any of the authors-applicants for a scientific degree cannot act as a reviewer.
– The reviewer is an expert in the subdisciplinary field within which the peer-reviewed manuscript is devoted to research.
– The review should objectively evaluate the scientific article and contain a comprehensive analysis of its scientific and methodological advantages and disadvantages.
– The reviewer should not use in their own interests information about the content of the article before it is published.
– The article under review is a confidential document, it cannot be transferred for review or discussion to third parties.