Design of articles

1) UDС of the article (on the front page in the top- left corner)

2) Surname, name and patronymic of the author (initials) in Russian and English

3) The work place, country and city in Russian and English languages, e-mail.

4) The article name in Russian, Kyrgyz and English is written in capital letters. There’s no dot after the name.

5) Annotation is to be given in the Kyrgyz, Russian and English languages (9-10 lines) Google translator service should not be used as it may give wrong translation!

6) Key words –in Kyrgyz, Russian and English (minimum 10 words) with the symbol semicolon usage (;)

7) Article length -12 000- 30 000 signs (spaces inclusive), 5-8 pages or 0, 3-0, 5 printed sheets.

8) Bibliographic information should be submitted at the end of the article in the form of a list of references in alphabetical order (first, sources typed in Cyrillic, then Latin) in accordance with the requirements of GOST P7.0-7-2009.

References- are in the form of square brackets [ 4, p.54], where the first numeral means the number of the source according to the list of references, the second-page.

Required parameters of the electronic version of the article:

• Word file;

• Font Times New Roman, size of type-14, line spacing-1, page fields-2

• References in square [1] brackets as they are mentioned.

Attached to the article is a review signed by the reviewer, certified by the seal of the university.

Design of tables and drawings:

 each graphic material (photos, drawings, graphics, schemes) must be numbered and signed;

 notes and other designations in graphs and drawings should be clear and easy to read.

Author(s) data:

Surname, name and patronymic of the author (initials), contact numbers, and the work place (the full address), position, academic degree should be submitted in the attaching page, where name and surname of the author is to be typed in Latin (in accordance with the documents, in particular with the international passport).

• The articles of the authors, who don’t obtain the academic degrees should be accompanied with the reference of the Doctor (candidate) of education in the publication field about the recommendation for publication.

• The articles submitted by the authors may express the authors’ views, which may not coincide with the views of the RISO.

• Expert examination of the editorial board is confidential.

• If necessary the editor in has the right to cut the articles and do some literary corrections.

• The articles, which do not correspond the above-mentioned requirements will not be admitted for publication.

• Unpublished articles and electronic versions and illustrations will not be returned to the authors.


 Note:

Authors are responsible for the conclusions, scientific level, facts and data mentioned in the articles.